Optimising Firmware for Low Power IoT Devices

August 11, 2024
Denotec Editorial Team

In the ever-expanding world of the Internet of Things (IoT), power efficiency is crucial, particularly for battery-powered devices. Extending battery life directly impacts user experience, product success, and sustainability. As more devices become interconnected, optimising firmware for low power consumption is an essential skill for developers.

This blog explores key strategies and best practices for developing firmware that minimises power usage in IoT devices. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to IoT, these insights will help you create efficient, reliable, and energy-conscious firmware.

1. Choose the Right Hardware

The foundation of power-efficient firmware starts with selecting the appropriate hardware components. Microcontrollers (MCUs), sensors, actuators, and communication modules each have distinct power requirements. Choosing components that meet the functional needs of your IoT device and support power-saving features is crucial.

Key Considerations:

  • Microcontrollers: Opt for MCUs with built-in low-power modes, dynamic voltage scaling, and power-efficient peripherals.
  • Sensors and Actuators: Select components with low standby current, high efficiency, and self-calibration capabilities.
  • Communication Modules: Choose modules that offer power-saving modes and can operate at lower data rates or with duty cycling to conserve energy.

By carefully selecting hardware with power-saving features, you lay the groundwork for efficient firmware development.

2. Implement Power Management Techniques

Effective power management is essential for minimising energy consumption in IoT devices. This involves controlling the operating modes, frequency, voltage, and current of hardware components through firmware.

Common Power Management Techniques:

  • Sleep Modes: Place the MCU or other components into a low-power state when not actively processing tasks. Wake-up triggers can be set for specific events or timers.
  • Duty Cycling: Periodically turn components on and off or adjust their duty cycles to reduce active power consumption.
  • Clock Gating: Disable the clock signal to unused components or sections of the MCU to save power.
  • Voltage Scaling: Adjust the operating voltage of components to the minimum required level for the current performance needs.

Implementing these techniques requires a deep understanding of your device's operational requirements and careful planning in firmware design.

3. Optimise Your Code

Optimising code for power efficiency is a crucial aspect of firmware development. Efficient code reduces the processing load on the MCU, which in turn reduces power consumption.

Best Practices for Code Optimisation:

  • Use Low-Level Languages: Writing firmware in languages like C or assembly allows for precise control over hardware resources.
  • Efficient Algorithms: Choose algorithms that minimise the number of operations and avoid unnecessary computations.
  • Optimise Memory Usage: Use data types that are appropriate for the task and minimise memory access, which can be power-intensive.
  • Avoid Recursion and Floating-Point Operations: These can lead to higher power consumption and should be replaced with iterative approaches and fixed-point arithmetic where possible.

By focusing on clean, efficient code, you can significantly reduce the energy footprint of your IoT device.

4. Monitor and Measure Power Consumption

Understanding the power consumption profile of your IoT device is essential for making informed optimisation decisions. By measuring power usage throughout the development process, you can identify and address power-hungry components or functions.

Tools for Power Monitoring:

  • Power Meters: Measure the average, peak, or transient power consumption of your system.
  • Power Analysers: Detect and diagnose power issues or anomalies.
  • Power Profiling: Correlate power consumption with code execution to pinpoint and optimise the most power-intensive sections of your firmware.

Regular monitoring allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your optimisation strategies and make data-driven adjustments.

5. Test and Verify Your Firmware

Testing is a critical step in ensuring that your firmware not only functions correctly but also meets power efficiency goals. Comprehensive testing helps catch errors or inefficiencies that could compromise power savings.

Testing Techniques:

  • Unit Testing: Test individual functions or modules to ensure they perform as expected without unnecessary power draw.
  • Integration Testing: Verify that combined modules work together efficiently, minimising overall power consumption.
  • System Testing: Test the entire device, including hardware and software, under real-world conditions to ensure it meets power consumption targets.
  • Regression Testing: Ensure that updates or changes to the firmware do not negatively impact power efficiency.

By thoroughly testing your firmware, you can validate that your power-saving strategies are effective and that the device meets user expectations.

6. Utilise Low-Power Modes

Maximising the time your MCU spends in low-power states is one of the most effective ways to reduce power consumption. Modern MCUs designed for low-power applications typically offer multiple low-power modes.

Key Considerations:

  • Understand Low-Power Modes: Review the MCU datasheet to understand the different low-power modes available and their implications (e.g., RAM retention, peripheral operation).
  • Wake-Up Triggers: Design your firmware to wake the MCU from low-power mode only when necessary, such as in response to an external interrupt or timer event.

Implementing low-power modes effectively requires careful planning from the early stages of firmware development to ensure that all power-saving opportunities are leveraged.

7. Manage External Components

External components such as sensors, radios, and memory chips also contribute to the overall power consumption of an IoT device. While you can't write firmware directly for these components, how your MCU interacts with them can significantly impact power usage.

Strategies for Managing External Components:

  • Power Down When Not in Use: Place external components in sleep or low-power modes when they are not actively needed.
  • Optimise Configuration Settings: Understand the power implications of different configuration settings and find a balance between power efficiency and performance.
  • Reduce Communication Overhead: Minimise the frequency and duration of communication with external components to reduce power usage.

By carefully managing external components, you can ensure that they only consume power when absolutely necessary.

8. Create a Power Budget

A power budget is a detailed breakdown of how much power each component of your device consumes. Creating a power budget helps you understand where power is being used and identify opportunities for optimisation.

Steps to Create a Power Budget:

  • Measure Individual Components: During the board bring-up process, measure the power consumption of each unique component.
  • Calculate Total Consumption: Sum the power consumed by each component to estimate the device's overall power usage.
  • Identify High-Power Consumers: Focus your optimisation efforts on components that consume the most power, especially those that need to be active for extended periods.

A power budget is an invaluable tool for guiding firmware development and ensuring that your device meets its battery life goals.

9. Keep Learning and Improving

Firmware optimisation is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. The field of IoT is constantly evolving, with new techniques, tools, and hardware becoming available.

Continuous Improvement Strategies:

  • Stay Updated: Follow industry trends and advancements in low-power hardware and firmware development.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly gather feedback from users and customers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Evaluate and Iterate: Continuously monitor the performance and power efficiency of your device, making adjustments and enhancements as needed.

By embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, you can ensure that your firmware remains efficient and competitive in the fast-paced IoT landscape.

10. Final Thoughts

Developing firmware for low-power IoT devices is a complex but rewarding challenge. By carefully selecting hardware, implementing power management techniques, optimising code, and rigorously testing your firmware, you can create devices that are both power-efficient and high-performing.

Power optimisation is a journey, not a destination. With the right approach, you can extend battery life, enhance user satisfaction, and contribute to the success of your IoT products.